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La Marque

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After its creation in 2015, Caroline took over the brand and brought it into the Luxury and High Range in 2021, by offering women unique and tailor-made pieces.

In a soft, romantic, elegant and refined universe, Leçon d'élégance is aimed at women by offering them in particular gala, evening and cocktail dresses for various events.

"A unique piece to sublimate the woman that you are"

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En 2022, Leçon d'élégance étends sa gamme en proposant des robes de mariée sur-mesure ainsi que des accessoires.

Because it is important to feel feminine, beautiful, resplendent and happy. The brand is particularly keen to sublimate each client through the magic of tailor-made.

Nous sommes toutes unique, le sur-mesure n'est pas seulement une question de morphologie mais aussi de goût afin de faire ressortir la personnalité de chacune.


est unique

Parce que chaque

Caroline vous reçois sur rendez-vous à l'atelier.

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Les Valeurs

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Le Savoir-faire

Each model is made from beautiful materials, from fabrics to pearls, ribbons, buttons, etc.

With unique pieces made to order and tailor-made, Leçon d'élégance offers high-quality creations made with love and care. Top of the range mixing couture and crafts.

Made in France


Métiers d'Art

Leçon d'élégance is strongly attached to Made in France as well as to métiers d'art. The fabrics come mostly from France, from companies with renowned expertise for many years.

The embroidery, boutis and other techniques are entirely made by hand, pearl by pearl, point by point with the needle.


A local garment : the creations are entirely designed and made by Caroline in her workshop in Brittany.

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La Créatrice

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Manual since her earliest childhood, Caroline puts her creativity aside in order to obtain her engineering degree. As the saying goes "chase the natural, it comes back at a gallop".


In 2015, she created Leçon d'élégance with Valérie, a couture and beauty enthusiast. Together they want to "Make Women Beautiful" through tailor-made wedding dresses, then mini-collections for an American boutique.


Autodidact since always, she had good bases which she consolidated by a training of fashion designer, then a training of tailor-made pattern.


Her love for métiers d'art pushed her to learn Lunéville embroidery (beaded embroidery used in Haute Couture), as well as boutis, which she incorporates into each of her creations.

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Le domaine du mariage me tend les bras depuis des années, 7 ans après j'y reviens avec plus de compétences, de savoir-faire et d'expérience.


Je suis ravie de pouvoir vous proposer des robes de mariées, de cérémonie et de Gala, ainsi que des accessoires assortis à votre tenue (voile, bibi, épingles à chignon, cape, etc.)

"I can't wait to highlight your beauty with my creations"

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